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Aglaonema 'Lumina'

Botanical Name — Aglaonema ‘Lumina’

Common Name — Chinese Evergreen

Plant Family — Araceae


Aglaonema are native to subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea. In China, they are grown as ornamental plants and are considered to bring good luck.
Growth Requirements

  • Aglaonema plants thrive in medium to bright light conditions. Place your plant in indirect or filtered light. Avoid full sun as this can burn the leaves. 
  • Aglaonemas can also grow in low light but foliage colors may lose some of their vibrancy. 

Temperature/ Humidity 
  • This plant prefers mild temperatures, between 60 and 70 ºF is ideal. Avoid cold drafts and sudden fluctuations in temperature. 
  • Aglaonemas will tolerate low humidity but will thrive in humid conditions. Place a humidifier nearby or mist leaves regularly to improve ambient moisture. Creating a humid environment for this plant is especially important in the cooler, drier months of winter. 

  • Keep soil consistently moist, but not soggy during spring and summer. Water lightly when the top quarter of soil is dry. 
  • During winter months water soil thoroughly, but allow it to dry out completely between waterings. 

  • Aglaonemas are not picky about their soil. A high-quality, well-draining potting mix will do just fine. 
  • Provide a soil that is moisture-retentive and rich in organic matter. Compost is an excellent amendment to improve nutrient quality. 

  • Aglaonema inflorescence bears a white spadix enclosed in a pale, green spathe. Typically flowers will bloom in late summer to early fall, though these plants rarely flower indoors. 
  • Flowers are inconspicuous and can be pruned to conserve the plant's energy for foliage growth. 

  • Fertilizer isn’t necessary to keep your Aglaonema happy, but you can feed them to give them a boost during the growing season. Feed your Aglaonema plants with a balanced fertilizer once a month, only during the growing season. 
  • Compost is a great, natural fertilizer. Add a layer about half an inch thick to the top of the soil, for a slow release of nutrients into the soil. 

  • Aglaonema plants can be propagated by division when repotting the plant. Use shears or a garden spade to divide the roots. Smaller pieces can be potted up and will grow into their own plant. 

  • Aglaonema are sensitive to pest infestations. They are commonly affected by scale, mealy bugs, spider mites, and insects. Check stems and under leaves regularly and treat any infestations immediately. 
  • These plants can also fall victim to fungal and bacterial infections if overwatered. Avoid overwatering and prune away any unhealthy leaves. 

Maintenance (pruning, legginess, repotting)
  • Aglaonema are slow-growing plants. They’ll only need to be repotted once every other year, into a container two inches larger in diameter. 

  • Aglaonema is toxic to pets and humans. Ingestion of any parts of the plant will likely lead to stomach and mouth irritation, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing.

Photo Credit

Charlie Cook Associates 

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