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Pilea glauca 'Aquamarine'

Botanical Name — Pilea glauca 'Aquamarine'

Common Name — baby tears, silver sprinkles plant

Plant Family — Urticaceae


Pilea glauca ‘Aquamarine’ is a low-growing tropical perennial that is native to the rainforests of central and South America. Where it is endemic it grows as creeping a groundcover. At home, it is ideal for terrariums and hanging baskets. It grows well both indoors and outdoors but should be kept inside once temperatures drop below 40 ºF. It is a member of the nettle family, a plant family that contains many plants known for their medicinal value, though this plant is not known for any such benefits. 

Growth Requirements


  • Pilea glauca ‘Aquamarine’ prefers medium to bright indirect light. Avoid direct sun. Light from an east or north-facing window is ideal. 

Temperature/ Humidity 

  • These tropical plants prefer warm temperatures and high humidity. They are cold-intolerant and will start to decline at temperatures below 40 ºF. 
  • High humidity will help these plants do their best growing. Mist plants daily or place them on top of a tray of wet pebbles to improve ambient moisture. Baby tears plants are great for terrariums. 


  • Keep soil lightly moist. These plants thrive in consistent moisture. In the winter, when growth slows significantly, allow the soil to dry out completely before watering thoroughly. 


  • These plants prefer airy, well-drained soil that retains moisture well. A high quality, all-purpose potting mix would work great. Soil can be amended with coco coir up to 25% to improve texture and drainage. Compost, up to 25%, is another amendment you can add to boost the nutrient quality of the soil. 


  • Pilea glauca produce small, inconspicuous flowers. Flowers can bloom year-round, though these plants rarely flower indoors. 


  • Baby tears plants do not require much in terms of fertilization. To give their soil a boost, fertilize them once monthly using a balanced fertilizer diluted at half strength. Fertilize during the spring and summer only; cease fertilization during the winter. 


  • These plants propagate reliably from stem cuttings. Press stem cuttings into soil allowing them to make firm contact with the soil. Mist them daily or cover them with a clear container such as a terrarium dome or plastic bag to maintain humidity until roots start to form, then water as usual. 



  • Pilea glauca is not especially susceptible to diseases or pests. Because they like humidity and moisture, root rot is a concern and is more likely when the plant is overwatered. Keep an eye out for common houseplant pests such as scale, aphids, and mealybugs.

Maintenance (pruning, legginess, repotting)

  • Little maintenance is required to keep these plants happy. Prune stems that have gotten leggy to encourage growth and fullness. 
  • Pilea glauca likes to be a little rootbound. Repotting should only be necessary once every one to two years. When repotting, select a container that is one to two inches wider in diameter to allow the plant additional space to grow. 


  • These plants have no known toxicity to humans or animals. 

Photo Credit

Krzysztof Ziarnek

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